Sunday, April 20, 2014

HAMS 2014 Registration Form

If you would like to enroll your child in HAMS this summer, please print and fill out the following form. Completed forms can be turned into Mrs. Fox or Miss Haven at the high school, Mrs. McKee at Bridgeport, mailed to Miss Haven at the high school (1165 Eaton Avenue, Hamilton, OH 45013), emailed to Miss Haven at, or turned in on the first day of camp (NOTE: if you wait until the first day of camp to register, the late registration fee applies. Save $10 by registering early). 

(A printer-friendly version of this form can be found by clicking here!)

H.A.M.S.  Hamilton Acting and Music School
Camper’s Name________________________________________
Grade (2013-2014)______________________________________
T-shirt size (circle one) Adult  XL    L    M     S /  Child    XL    L     M     S  
Shoe Size _________
Pants size with elastic waist ______________
Pants size with button/snap waist ___________

School  (Circle your child’s school)
Bridgeport Brookwood Crawford Fairwood  
Highland Linden Ridgeway Riverview

Parent’s Name_________________________________________
Phone (Home)_______________(Cell)______________________
Child’s email address____________________________________
Parent’s email address__________________________________

Please list any dates that you are aware of which conflict with our schedule 
(vacations, doctors appointments, etc.)

We need volunteers for the following:  
(Please print the name and phone of the volunteer)
Snack supervision from 10:30-10:45 (not everyday, volunteers rotate days)
Photographer-take pictures of some rehearsals and dress rehearsal
Videographer – using our camera, video the dress rehearsal
Show days make-up__________________________________
Show days concessions_______________________________
Show days hallway/backstage supervision
Publicity (hanging posters up around town, contacting newspaper
Costumes (gather, shop, or sew)
Scenery (carpentry, paint, etc.)
Other (please specify)

Payment amount: _____________
Taken by:______________Date________                

circle one:   cash     check#________   

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