Saturday, August 11, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Hooray! (That's an interjection, by the way). we ran the show twice this morning and the 2nd time was beginning to get there!  Great job, kids! Remember to review your written scripts and songs to make sure you are really saying/singing the correct words!

Next week's schedule:
TUESDAY-Regular camp times.  Wear HAMS shirts.
Bring all show clothing and leave it all at HHS- except camp shirt and possibly shoes.

WEDNESDAY-  Bring HAMS shirts and leave them at HHS with other costume clothing.

             OPEN DRESS REHEARSAL AT 7:00.  Parents are invited to come and be our audience.  Photos may be taken during the show.  We will be making  an official video.
             Please have your children in the auditorium at 6:30.  We will start the show  at 7:00. The kids should be ready to go home by 8:30.

FRIDAY- Opening Night! Performers should report at 6:30

SATURDAY-Performers report at 1:30 for the 2:00 show. 
Between shows, the students will remain with us.  We will eat pizza, etc. Play games, etc. until  the 7:00 show.

After the 7:00 show, performers should take all their personal clothing/props home with  them.