Friday, May 10, 2013

Where to send your registration form and payment

My apologies to many of you. Some of the forms that went home did not specify where you could turn in your registration form and payment. There are 2 options:

You can turn them in to the Fine Arts Office at the high school (NOT the main office, the forms and money will not make their way to Miss Haven if you turn them into the main office). The Fine Arts office is located on the Taft Place end of the parking lot. Turn into the last driveway on your left (as you face Eaton hill). The doors to the Fine Arts office are labeled "Music" and are set back further than the other doors of the building.

Or you may mail your form and check (made out to Hamilton Performing Arts Association) to:
703 Glenway Dr.
Hamilton, OH 45013

If you have any questions, please email Miss Haven (

Thank you! My apologies, once again, for the confusion!

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