Monday, April 30, 2012

Promotional Video for the Upcoming HAMS camp

Some campers from last year discuss their experiences and their thoughts about our upcoming season.


H.A.M.S. Camp 2012
Hamilton Music and Art School Camp
Questions?  Call Ms. Meg Haven: 513-295-8845 or Mrs. Tari McKee: 513-265-3615
Eligibility: Any Hamilton City School student who has completed 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade.  Enrollment limited to the first 65 campers paying at least a $25.00 deposit.
Camp/Rehearsals: 9:00 – 11:30 every Tues. and Wed. and Thurs. June 12  through August 9.

At Bridgeport Elementary during June and July          

At Hamilton High  School in August
 Open Dress rehearsal Thursday, Aug. 9, 7:00, at Hamilton High School
Performances “School House Rock Live” (audience tickets will be $5.00 each) at Hamilton High  Friday, Aug. 10, 7:00
  Saturday, Aug. 11 2:00 and 7:00. (Performers should be prepared to stay between performances.  We will order pizza, play games, and reflect on our experience)

Cost: $50.00 per camper.  This covers a camp t-shirt,  music, scripts, materials, some costumes, and  props.                                                    
At least $25.00 will be due on first day of camp with the remainder  to be paid by July 5.
Payment may be made by cash or checks made out to “Hamilton Performing Arts Association”.
Attendance: Since we are working towards a final product of a finished show, regular attendance is a must. Any camper with more than 2 unexcused absences will be dismissed from the camp without a refund.
We do realize that families do take vacations in the summer and we don’t require that you alter your vacation plans.  We do, however, require advanced notice of any absence for vacation purposes.                                     
Please schedule other summer events on days other than Tuesday , Wednesday, or Thursday,  if possible.
All campers must be dropped off and picked up on time.  For emergency delays or absences please call
Ms. Meg Haven: 513-2958845
Mrs. Tari McKee: 513-265-3615
What to wear: comfortable clothes for sitting on the floor, moving, etc.                                                                                                          .                                  
For safety reasons, gym shoes – absolutely no flip flops, sandals, etc.
What to Bring: A  snack and a water bottle. We will have a 10-minute snack break each day.
Suggested snacks:  granola bar, snack bag  of chips, crackers, cookies. 
NO FRUIT OR SWEET DRINKS                                         
*This group will also be performing 2 patriotic songs uptown after the 4th of July Parade at around noon.